Announcement. Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
哈*]]八月了呢-ˇ-大家七月過的如何勒>ˇ很無聊- -"?!很忙碌?!哈!!!!這些就先拋到腦後吧!!!記得開心跟好玩的事就好啦-ˇ-讓我們快樂迎接八月XD祝大家:八月快樂嘿*]] Byㄚ楓*
Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward. You'll find what you need.
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