Announcement. Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
哈哈. TOYOTA Yaris 小雞篇新廣告!!! 超可愛的那八隻小雞兒 -//- 脖子上還戴矯正器 xD 一整個超超超超超超超超超可愛到爆炸!!!! 另外. TOYOTA的另外一個廣告!! 哈哈哈. 真是這樣的車好恐怖xDDD 超級人性化啊!!!! By 半:)
Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward. You'll find what you need.
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