Announcement. Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
Sometimes! When I say "I'm OKAY." I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I know you're NOT". I have lived days. ☺ There have people here. ☺ Living here days.
好久沒上哩捏0.0有沒有想俺呀=ˇ=好啦...神經病= =總之就是...我其實本來就不常上線只是這個暑假很異常就幾乎每天都上線我也不知道為什麼會這樣說= =所以不要再..我只是兩天沒上就說我都不上= =兩天而已ㄟ....雖然這次是很久啦...- -那就這樣啦..掰...有事最好打手機啦...
Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward. You'll find what you need.
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